New Year, New Blogging Style

Hello again.

Forgive me for my infrequent blog posting.

It’s been a while since I posted last but to be completely fair, life got very busy very quickly and it’s finally started to calm down.

Short recap about me: I am a recent (December) graduate of Texas Woman’s University with my BS in Interdisciplinary Studies with my EC-6 ESL teaching license. I could go on further about this but I’ll instead link my teaching website which you can take a gander at if you so choose.


Any who, I graduated on December the 12th, packed my belongings – for the most part, finished my Christmas shopping, celebrated Christmas, celebrated my birthday, and then the day after Kyle, my fiancé, and I were off to make it to Corvallis, Oregon by the first of January. How did we do that you ask? We took my galliant Ford Focus, Xerxes, on a 2,000 mile road trip from Texas to Oregon. We arrived safely on January 1st. So as people were eating black eyed peas and spending time with their families singing that super catchy New Years tune, I was unloading packed car, Xerxes, unpacking my belongings, and realizing that I had just moved half way across the country leaving behind family and friends. Happy New Year.

Not to say I wasn’t completely excited for the move. I mean I moved 2,000 miles to close the gap between my and my fiancé, I had a job at a private school already (that would be starting the following Monday), and, as I’m sure you had an inkling, I was super pleased to know I had entered what I shall refer to as the Promise Land -because Oregon grows almost everything when it comes to fruits and veggies- and I am a major foodie.

So I unpacked my things, started my job, and tried to make friends and generally fall into a regular schedule in this new place. It has taken me a few weeks but I think I am finally ready to revamp and restart this blog.

Quick back story to the structure I will be going for:

Each week Kyle and I look up 4 recipes that we will write our grocery list around. We plan these meals to 1) we can have variety in our meals 2) we can consume massive amounts of vegetables 3) we can keep a budget of about $80 a week for 2 people 4) I can use my fabulous “dry erase” Crayolas on the refrigerator to scribble the recipes so we have a loose menu of the week.

All that to simply say, each week I will have a blog post that showcases my beautiful (*sarcasm*) lettering on my refrigerator, I will post the links to the recipes, and then talk about what each of them was like – how I altered it, how I would alter it, if I loved it or hated it. Heck, I might even post pictures of the food in a picture of food vs. picture of actual food. We’ll see how detailed I get with this blog series.


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